Dear Ask a DnD Monster:
My brother and I fight all the time. We can't seem to keep our mouths shut.
He is 22, and I am 13. He could fight me physically, and that happens sometimes, but I am big enough to fight back. My step-father and I have a lot of problems, and I think he encourages my brother to have problems with me.
I have had a migraine for the past two months, and I think this is causing it. We can't even be in the same room together without starting to fight.
What can I do?
Answer From: a Werewolf
Dear PeaceLuvva:
Where to start, where to start.
Ok, this brother of yours, does he carry silver? If he doesn't, I'm not sure what the problem is. If he's a werewolf, too, then you guys can go at it for some time without doing any real damage. It might even be healthy. I mean, just think of how much happier most families would be if the members of it could rake each other bloody with their claws and teeth only to have the damage completely disappear in a few rounds.
If he's not a werewolf, he should be easily slain. You might have issues with killing your brother, but it's not "sometimes chaotic evil," it's "always chaotic evil." If you decide not to be chaotic evil in this one case, you might as well just wuss out and become lawful evil. Then, you could spend all day deciding if being evil in any given situation really suits your "code," or weasel out of your evil obligations with some lame ass claim like, "Killing him now would jeopardize my ultimate plan," or some stupid excuse like that. Maybe you could find a wererat to bite you, since that may be more your style.
If he does carry silver, combat may not be your best option. You might find that reconciliation is possible if you bite him and transfer your curse. Then you get into the flesh-rending scenario I described, earlier. It's not ideal, but sometimes, people just won't change. Unless you give them a curse that forces them to change against their will.
What do you think about that, ratgirl?
Josef, the Werewolf
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